L'autunno australe inizia secondo il calendario il 21 marzo e, nonostante una prolungata siccità, dalla Signora Brenda Lyon a Oberon (AUS) sono fiorite nel 2005 bellissime Sternbergia lutea, come pure il Colchicum byzantinum (rappresentato qui sotto).

                                                                                                                                                                                                 I FOTOGRAFI

Also in the Southern hemisphere Sternbergia lutea, a typical Mediterranean plant, thrives well in autumn. In May 2005 Mrs. Brenda Lyon sent this picture, as well as that of Colchicum byzantinum (shown here below), from Oberon (AUS) , saying:

G'day Henry,
These are photos taken in my garden of bulbs which have bloomed regardless of the weather as it has been very dry here...

Many thanks for permitting the publication of the photos.

                                                                       foto B.L.